I’m Humming with Excitement!

Of course I am!  It’s early spring and my precious hummers are back! I saw my very first one on April 17th.  True to what I read on the beautyofbirds.com website when researching my previous hummingbird post, the Tennessee native Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) were the first to arrive.  I so wonder if they are the same neighbors who were here last year…

No, I didn’t take that fabulous flight photo, but I did get a brand-new feeder for my tiny friends.  It’s glass and not very big.  It holds about a cup of “nectar” (a simple 1:4 ratio of sugar to water), which is great because it is easy to clean every few days.  And the flow of this one is much better than the old one.  This feeder even has a little perch in front of each “flower” for them to rest on.  I’ve noticed them staying at the feeder longer since they don’t have to remain airborne while they feed.

I received several responses to my article last season.  Folks just love having these magical creatures zipping around their back yards.  They make you smile, even make you laugh out loud at some of their antics sometimes.  Mornings and evenings, the times they generally seem to like to eat, are so special when you get to watch them flitting around the feeder.  My feeder hangs on my patio outside my kitchen window and what a treat it is to see them arrive when I’m getting ready for work in the morning or fixing dinner in the evening.  If you haven’t “invested” in your hummers, what’s keeping you?  I really believe you’ll be joyously surprised – and you’ll be doing Mother Nature a huge favor by supporting these wonderful pollinators.

About Jan Schim

Jan is a singer, a songwriter, a licensed body worker specializing in CranioSacral Therapy, and a teacher.  She is an advocate for the ethical treatment of ALL animals and a volunteer with several animal advocacy organizations.  She is also a staunch believer in the need to promote environmental responsibility.

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